Frequently asked questions

In case you have any questions about our services, rental pool, furniture package, or something else, you may find most common questions here. If you didn’t find your answer below, please use the

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The rental pool & units

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Yes you can, there is a resignation period of 90 days.

No, because these costs (management fees) are subtracted from the revenue.

At the introduction stage when The Soul is new and growing, we will use different well-known booking platforms such as, Airbnb ..etc. At the same time, we will establish our website and social media pages with an intense presence to gradually migrate the booking from the platform to direct bookings using SEO to drive traffic.

  • In 1B, there can be 2 adults and 1 child under 12. 
  • In 2B, there can be 2 adults and 2 children under 12.
  • In the 2BDD there can be 4 adults.
  • In the 3B, there can be 6 adults.

The minimum commitment period for the rental pool is 2 years. After this, you can extend the contract to another 2 years or quit the rental pool.

Yes, after the furniture packages are bought, the furniture belongs to the homeowner.

Unfortunately, that is what happens in the rental pool but if it is the other way around you will also benefit from this.

In every season there will be different guests with different preferences, so in one season your unit will be more popular than in another season

Marketing, communication & strategy

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We plan to target mid to upper-income segments but it depends on the current market trends, the demographic of the incoming travellers, and flights that are coming to the island. We will closely monitor the age groups, nationalities, and other aspects of the incoming visitor mix.
Our strategy is not location-based but interest based meaning we are targeting potential visitors of Zanzibar for pre-bookings as well as tourists already on the island

Your unit will be part of the 1 bedroom pool, in this pool are only 1 bedroom unit owners. For this pool, we will customise a suitable marketing strategy to reach the right guests.

We are happy to market your customised units, with photo’s done by a professional photographer, customised text, and inventory listing with all its attractive features. We will charge a one-time setup fee for this.

Services, facilities & Furniture

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  • Maid service
  • Repairs
  • Reception Service
  • Chef on demand 
  • Personal butler 
  • Laundry service
  • SIM card and top up service
  • Food delivery service
  • Parcel pickup service
  • Vehicle hire service
  • Room service
  • Flight booking service
  • Taxi and driver service
  • Tours and excursions
  • Private security 
  • Home wellness service
  • Babysitting 
  • Kids entertainment 
  • Pet walking
  • Doctor on call
  • Vet on call
  • Bureaucracy service (help with government offices etc.)

We will keep improving this list and add services to satisfy all of the guests.

  • Wi-Fi 
  • Gym 
  • Open-air cinema 
  • Washing facilities
  • Restaurant? 
  • Front Office 
  • Lagoon (swimming pool)

The basic maintenance package consists of the following deliverables two times per month:

  • Air the unit
  • Open and run faucets
  • Run shower 
  • Flush toilet 
  • Test light switches 
  • Test AC 
  • Check for mould and rust 
  • Test electrical kitchen appliances 
  • Test sockets 
  • Visually inspect walls 
  • Inspect furniture 
  • Pest control check 
  • Check door closing and locks 
  • Inspection report and quote for the repair

When you are part of the rental pool this maintenance service will be included, if you are not part of this you can still use this service for a 1BD $24,99 2BD $29,99 2BDD/3BD $34,99 per month.

The maintenance service is also available on demand at $50 per hour 

Only 3 Bedrooms and Duplex have, but we offer a (paid) laundry service as well.

We have no restaurant on site but we have good recommendations and connections with local restaurants to provide you with the best food.

Yes, there will be 24/7 security on site.

The Soul is within walking distance of the beach. We also have a tuk-tuk that will bring you to the beach and will bring you back to the Soul again later.

Yes, we offer a shuttle service from and to the airport. If you want to book this service please contact us.

Yes, there will be parking available.

The Soul is definitely child friendly, on request we offer a nanny service also we have kids’ entertainment.

Pets are not allowed in the Soul.

In the Soul, we have European plugs.

Some of our units are wheelchair accessible. If you are in a wheelchair please let us know, so we can make sure we will get a ramp for you to use and assign the right unit.

All services are available for everybody in the Soul and can be booked at the reception, but each service is billed separately.

In certain apartments, there is no connection available for in this case the washing machine. We also have a laundry service you can use in every building. The other items are available to order additionally.

There will be no change in the shared network. Profits. This is a personal choice because only the fridge and furniture are mandatory to join the rental pool.

Guests can’t choose specific units to rent, units will be automatically assigned to guests based on preferences think of an older couple who wants to be on the ground floor and doesn’t need a tv, but when there will be a family with children they would like a tv.

  • A personal or online meeting to get to know you and your general ideas and requirements for the furniture.
  • Creation of individual mood board. (or you can provide us with some inspirational pictures or mood board if you have)
  • Propose and agree on a design concept for the unit.
  • If needed, generate 3D renderings to bring the ideas to life.
  • Find the best option to achieve the concept based on availability and your budget. (Compose ready pieces or produce customised furniture for your)
  • Manage the entire production/purchase process.
  • Delivery and installation.


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The OA (owners association) is responsible for its insurance.

Unfortunately, such disasters are unforeseen; therefore, we as MNF management can’t pay for the loss. This issue has to be resolved through your insurance company.

Let’s work

Contact us if you wish to choose a service or a full package solution. Just leave a note and we’ll get back to you shortly.

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